
We believe that there are four key pillars to delivering a successful defined contribution (DC) pension scheme. DC360° from Irish Life combines these key pillars into one tailored package which will benefit employers, trustees and members alike.

With DC360° Administration you have access to our:

  • Award winning administration platform

  • Secure channel for data exchange and transfer

  • Automated contribution processing service

  • Automated quotes facility and update member details online

  • Records for trustees and employers

DC360° Investment Services offer:

  • Best in class investment funds available from Irish Life and external investment managers with bespoke modelling by our Financial Engineering team

  • Economist, bond, equity and property professionals available so you can access the experts

  • Management of lifestyle strategy to match individual retirement benefit needs

  • Regular investment information and daily pricing on all funds so you can stay up to date

  • Investment teams located centrally in Dublin to ensure an integrated and cost efficient approach

With DC360° Governance we:

  • Provide and manage an annual governance planner for schemes

  • Issue an agreed service level agreement

  • Report all activity on the scheme and highlight any concern on individual members

  • Provide trustee training and attend trustee meetings as required

DC360° focuses on Member Engagement. We:

  • Issue informative welcome packs, annual benefit statements and any follow up communications, directly to members so you don't have to

  • Encourage members to access their company pension online through Pension Planet Interactive to stay up to date

  • Provide Aim Team work site presentations with members to answer any queries and remind them of the benefits available

  • Develop member communication plans

  • Focus on innovation and offer Mobile apps to keep track of value and monitor fund performance


For your complete DC360 pack contact: 360pensions@irishlife.ie